“Clarity comes from engagement, not thought.
…Whenever you’re trapped in the hell of indecision, do something about it as quickly as possible. Find a way to take a tangible, real action and you’ll be rewarded with priceless feedback to inform your next steps.”
Marie Forleo,
Everything is Figureoutable
Remember I mentioned that I decided to start small with this new ‘Monday Series’ sharing one quote for the Blog and newsletter? That decision was made after what feels like months of indecision.
It’s going to be a year in March since I decided to stop doing what I had been doing for 6 years (wedding invitations)! And, although I have been doing a few things here and there since then, there has been one specific thing that has been stock in me and I couldn’t figure out how to bring it to life because it is something totally different than I have ever done before.
I have been over thinking, over analyzing, doubting, and well, just in my head and not making any decisions about it. Then, finally last week I felt like it was time to start something, even if it was small: This Monday posts/newsletter. And, well as Marie very wisely reminds as above, I was rewarded with priceless feedback and I have a much better direction now for my next step.
So, I wanted to come in here and do the same for you. Our human nature wants to keep us safe and sometimes it prevents us from making decisions that many times seem risky because they are too different to what we are used to. But, then we find ourselves stock for weeks months and years doing things that we are not fully happy with, constantly thinking, wishing and dreaming for a bigger, happier, nicer vision.
What if we start with one tiny step? One single action can bring so much clarity, whether that is validating that you are excited about the direction or showing you that perhaps it’s not the way.
I want to encourage you to try it this week, what small step can you take this week?
love, Nat.
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