
I’ve been on a quest to find out more about “who I am” and in this journey I’ve discovered a hidden door in the center of my heart. That door that allows me to connect with the essential part of who I am. 

In this process I’ve been faced with having to shed many layers that have been built around my heart and have confined this beautiful source of wisdom. 

The beginning of this process started with an immense amount of curiosity to learn about my mind, my beliefs and in general the ideas that serve as the foundation of my reality and that I also consider are the benevolent walls of protection around my heart. 

While I try to understand more aspects of myself I’ve realized that feelings of sadness, guilt, shame, fear and anger come up. It is as though they are the guards of these walls that lead me to the heart. 

So, I’ve been gathering multiple tools and wholesome practices to build the emotional and mental resilience necessary to navigate this journey. To lovingly peel each layer at a time and face each emotion with open arms. 

My hope is that through every word, every interaction and connection I create, I get to invite you to walk this journey with me, following the way of the heart. 

Specialized studies & certifications

as a student of life i'm constantly intrigued by the various practices and modalities that can bring us closer to our hearts

I am formally trained in Dr. Daniel Siegel’s Interpersonal Neurobiology framework.

Certified Meditation Teacher in the Mindfulness Modality.

Participated in Peter Crone's Coaching Edition Mastermind.