“If you get stuck, draw with a different pen.
CHANGE your tools, it may free your thinking”
Paul Arden
This is such a good analogy that can be used for so many different areas of our life. Whether that is specifically talking about creativity and how some times we get in creative blocks and can’t seem to get out of it or whether something is simply not flowing in our life.
What can we do if this is happening? CHANGE our tools.
So many of us seem to be stuck in places where we are not fully happy, satisfied or fulfilled, whether that is in relationships, a job, or a life circumstance. Yet, most of the time we keep trying the same strategies and keep using the same tools without realizing that if we keep doing the same, we will get the same results. But, if we try something new, if we change our habits, our perspective, our space, our circumstance or our tools we will get different results.
I love the idea of having a visual picture of how this can be applied in real life, as simple as “draw with a different pen”. So, that every time I find myself stuck in any life circumstance I can go back to this simple visual and ask myself, what other tool can I use to free my thinking and get unstuck?
What new tool can you start using in your life so that you can get unstuck or change a circumstance?
love, Nat.
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