“Excellence is the next five minutes…Forget the long term.
Make the next five minutes rock!”
Tom Peters
I’m a dreamer at heart and I will always be the first person that will encourage you to follow your dreams. Personally, if I have an idea my immediate next step is to take it to the next level and dream bigger and bigger. However, sometimes that comes with a down side… I tend to visualize things so big that when it is time to take action I basically freeze.
The past 2 months (how is it almost March?!) I’ve been working very hard in putting today’s quote in to practice. I’ve been focusing more on the small steps I can take today and now. Because, although the ability to think big is a wonderful skill to have, in many occasions it has left me overwhelmed and worrying more about the situations, problems and people I will have to face once I get to this place I’m dreaming of. And, it ultimately leaves me focusing more on all the different skills I don’t have, the connections I don’t know yet and the places I’ve never been to which translates to: An imposter.
This doesn’t apply only to creative ideas or dreams, it can also be applied to daily mundane stuff. This year I have found myself facing a bit more of all those annoying shores that come with being an adult… laundry, cleaning, fixing things around the house, grocery shopping and the list can go on (insert eye roll emoji). While this is something that I couldn’t entirely scape from because I’ve lived by myself since I was 16, in the past 8 years I’ve been really lucky to have a husband that seems to have a masters in adulting and I was working 24/7 almost 365 days so I had a very convenient excuse to avoid many of these things.
Well, for the past 6-8 months my new big ideas have come out in other areas where I’m now more present… like my own house. So, when I started to spend more time here I put together a to do list to re-do things around the house and it probably had about 267 tasks of which every task had at least 10 or 20 other sub-tasks. To no ones surprise, I ended up accomplishing 0 of them. Why? because big picture thinking sometimes can be a form of self-sabotage and many of us are not aware of it.
Does this ever happen to you? Do you ever feel like an imposter because instead of thinking of the actions you can take today you spend more time thinking about the future and all the things you do not know how to handle yet?
love, Nat.
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Thank you for sharing this very personal note. I too quite often (almost daily LOL) find myself in that similar situation. I also work from home. My remedy for moving to the next moment, is grounding myself. I try to visualize the next hour of task(s) and get to work. The day seems to flow a bit smoother from there. Grounding helps me be in the present moment and not in my “imposter mind” and big picture thinking.